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"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." - Matthew 5:13 

The Elim Singles Ministry is comprised of single adults from 20-39 years old of Elim Communities. Elim Communities is a global family of Catholic communities serving in faith, hope and love. 

We aim to empower the singles to impact the world with God’s Word.


Elim Singles Ministry envisions renewed singles empowered to influence the nation in upholding ethical and spiritual standards through active evangelization.


The Elim Singles Ministry will reach out to single individuals and groups where they are and help them achieve their fullest potential to be able to evangelize through empowered lives of faith.

S - Spread

A - Aim

L - Lead and Influence

T - Testify

To SPREAD the Good News in their respective environment and workplaces through various means including work-related activities, social events and social media.

To AIM for excellence in serving God and others through continuous improvement and development of skills and talents.

To LEAD AND INFLUENCE other people towards a lifestyle of purity and righteousness while bringing them closer to Jesus Christ.

To TESTIFY to God’s work of salvation by living a life of faith, hope and love.


  1. Passion

  2. Purity and holiness

  3. Integrity

  4. Generosity

  5. Bold witnessing and service


Lord, as an Elim Single,

I promise to love God passionately

You, Lord, have loved me with an everlasting love; I will love you back with all of my heart, soul, mind 

and strength.

I promise to live pure and holy

It is your call. It is worth it to think pure, speak pure and live pure. I bring every desire of my flesh under the fire of Your refining love. It is my precious gift to You, to my brothers and sisters, to the world.


I promise to live with integrity

I will live honestly, truthfully and responsibly. I will be a person of honor.

I promise to be generous

I offer to You my time, talent and treasure. All I am and all I have is from You. I lay them at Your feet to be used for Your purposes.

I promise to be a witness of Your love…

My life will be a testament of Your love. I will live in a way that others may know You and enter Your kingdom. I will go where You want me to go.

All this I promise to keep, in the power of the Holy Spirit and in His grace I pray. In Jesus’ name.



© Elim Communities 2025

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